摘要:This paper deals with an anonymous editor as the real author of the Byzantine agricultural encyclopedia Geoponika. The first part of the paper provides a historical view of the origin and structure of Geoponika. Some of the authors whose works preceded Geoponika are given. Editor included some of their texts in the encyclopedia. The second part deals with the problem of determining the authorship of some of the works included in Geoponika. Many of these writers and their works are unknown to us today. Thanks to the editor’s work on Geoponika their texts are at least partially preserved. Finally, in the third part, the author pays attention to the text of the anonymous editor, which was included in the Geoponika and represents his contribution to the final designing of Geoponika. Through these texts, editor wanted to familiarize the readers with his personal experiences in agriculture. There are texts, comments, opinions, and conclusions throughout the entire encyclopedia. In this way, the editor wanted to present his suggestions for improving the agricultural production to those who are interested. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 46006: Održiva poljoprivreda i ruralni razvoj u funkciji ostvarivanja strateških ciljeva Republike Srbije u okviru Dunavskog regiona]