摘要:Learning is the most important issue in teaching and regarding class atmosphere is one of the main issues that has special place in partial quality of learning. This study was performed to investigate the relationship of Atmosphere on the Quality of Learning (QoL). This study was done in Guilan University of Guilan that about 0.5 of students were selected through cluster sampling method with regard to the size of population (7200 students) and through systematic random sampling. 360 persons were selected and 357 questionnaires were filled and returned among 360 distributed questionnaires in various disciplines. Also 35 academic staffs (about 0.1) were participated in this research for conducting interview. Instruments for collecting the information of questionnaire have been researcher-made and interview. Descriptive-analytic method has been used in this research. In all cases null hypotheses rejected and research hypotheses were confirmed. Also in analysis of interview with academic staffs that questions were related to research main hypotheses, much emphasis has been put on the effect of factors influencing on class atmosphere and quality of teaching and learning. It should be stated that there is a positive and direct relationship between class atmosphere and its factors (order and organization in class, clearness of rules in class academic staff control over the class, academic staffs and student mutual respect) and quality of learning.
关键词:Class Atmosphere;Quality;Learning;Teaching University