摘要:This study aimed to analyze the evidence available in the literature about psychoactive substance use by persons with disabilities. We used integrative review of literature in SciELO, PubMed, SCOPUS, BDENF, and PsychINFO databases, with the descriptors: pessoas com deficiência; transtornos relacionados a uso de substancias; disabled persons; and substance-related disorders. Twelve articles were included in the sample. Data were analyzed and discussed descriptively. The studies’ results, with scientific evidence, were synthesized on two main themes: substance use by people with disabilities, and access of people with disabilities to treatment for substance-related disorders. The scientific evidences identified in studies reported disability as a risk factor for substance abuse, and also reported that disabled persons did not have access to treatment and rehabilitation services for substance abuse. Finally, the studies analyzed pointed to the need for scientific research on this topic.