期刊名称:Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology
出版社:Oriental Scientific Publishing Company
摘要:In general, Security techniques pursue two defense lines: one preventive and the second one is reactive6. The first one offers techniques to circumvent any type of Attack, as firewalls and cryptographic systems. The second consists in getting act on demand to lessen Intrusions, as Intrusion Detection systems. This paper observes Survivable approaches whose purpose is to facilitate network s to complete their functions properly and significantly even In the presence of Intrusions. preventive, reactive techniques and Tolerance defense lines. This paper established Survivability concepts and its association with preventive, reactive and Tolerance defense lines. Survivable MANETs will be capable to accomplish their purposes and aims by means of the cooperation between those three defense lines. Key Properties of Survivability as resistance, acknowledgment, recovery and adaptability were thorough, and Survivability needs for MANETs were examined. In conclusion, this function highlights that a completely Survivable MANET be supposed to be appropriate cooperatively the three defense lines as an alternative of only one or two lines separately.