摘要:The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between goal orientations, learning approaches and academic achievement, and to examine the possibility of predicting academic achievement through goal orientations and learning approaches. A sample of N = 346 male and female second and third year undergraduate and first year graduate students of different colleges and sections of the University of J.J.Strossmayer in Osijek participated in this study. The results indicate that academic achievement is in a positive correlation with the mastery and performance goal orientations and deep and strategic learning approaches, and in a negative correlation with the work-avoidance goal orientation and surface learning approach. Furthermore, the results indicate a positive relationship between the mastery goal orientation and deep and strategic learning approaches and positive relationship between the work-avoidance goal orientation and surface learning approach, and negative between the work-avoidance goal orientation and deep learning approach. Also, mastery, performance goal orientations and deep learning approach were positive predictors of academic achievement. College was significant moderator of relationship between deep learning approach and academic achievement. Deep learning approach was a positive predictor of achievement in "hard" study disciplines and was not a significant predictor of academic achievement in "soft" study disciplines.