摘要:Background and Objective: Noctiluca scintillans ( N. scintillans ) (green dinoflagellate) blooms were spotted in significant scale at various locations along Dubai coastal water during January 2017. The investigation mainly focused on the extent of N. scintillans bloom and its association with water quality, phytoplankton and zooplankton. Materials and Methods: The phytoplankton bloom and water samples were collected from off Dry dock, South of world islands and Ras Ghantoot from Dubai coast. Further, high density of Thalia sp., known as salps (zooplankton tunicate) were recorded along the blooms of N. scintillans and remain persisted after the decline of bloom. Results: Noctiluca scintillans blooms were inhibited in the form of isolated patches of 200-300 m along sampling stations. The phytoplankton cell counts during N. scintillans bloom were 2.0-5.4×103 nos. mL1 at different sampling stations. Nutrients analysed in water quality showed a significant reduction in nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) and high values of phosphate-phosphorous (PO4-P) at two locations during N. scintillans blooms. Elevated levels of chlorophyll a, phaeophytin and carotenoids were also evident during the bloom of N. scintillans along sampling stations. Conclusion: The study conclude that the density of Thalia sp. increased drastically when N. scintillans population decline. This further indicates Thalia sp. (salps) as an active grazer of N. scintillans .