摘要:An analysis of the current state of the Portuguese electricity sector is the central objective of this article. Initially, an overview of the framework of energy in Portugal, providing information concerning the energy matrix and energy consumption and indicators was showed. Then, the investigation has widened in the electricity sector, seeking to present their sources of production, characteristics of the trading market, information about regulation and the outlook for generation from renewable energy generation. The study was developed based on literature research with primary and secondary data. The final goal is to build a comprehensive panel of the present situation and prospects of the electricity sector in Portugal.↓Nesta pesquisa procurou-se estimar a qualidade da governança praticada por uma amostra significativade companhias abertas brasileiras por meio de um índice composto por 20 perguntas de respostas binárias,no período entre 2002 e 2006, e relacioná-la a alguns indicadores de desempenho das companhias abertasbrasileiras. Foram utilizados diversos indicadores para o desempenho como o ebit-to-sales, o market-tosales,o return on assets e o return on equity. Confirmou-se a hipótese inicial de que melhores níveis degovernança estão associados a melhores desempenhos das empresas. Os resultados conseguidos por meioda aplicação do método das regressões lineares foram confirmados pelos resultados obtidos com o uso dométodo das equações estruturais. Observou-se endogeneidade que não invalidou os resultados obtidos com ouso das regressões lineares. Encontraram-se evidências de relação de causalidade no sentido de governançapara os indicadores da variável de desempenho.
其他摘要:An analysis of the current state of the Portuguese electricity sector is the central objective of this article. Initially, an overview of the framework of energy in Portugal, providing information concerning the energy matrix and energy consumption and indicators was showed. Then, the investigation has widened in the electricity sector, seeking to present their sources of production, characteristics of the trading market, information about regulation and the outlook for generation from renewable energy generation. The study was developed based on literature research with primary and secondary data. The final goal is to build a comprehensive panel of the present situation and prospects of the electricity sector in Portugal.
关键词:Energy; Portugal; electricity; energy market; renewable sources
其他关键词:Energy; Portugal; electricity; energy market; renewable sources