摘要:Este artigo procurou identificar e analisar os impactos socioambientais e de Segurança doAlimento do processo de certificação da produção de uvas finas de mesa no programa deProdução Integrada de Uva (PI-UVA) recentemente implantado na região do Submédio doVale do rio São Francisco, no município de Petrolina. A metodologia adotada baseou-se emum estudo de caso, analisando-se o processo de certificação vivenciado por uma médiaempresa da região. Os resultados obtidos apontam que a certificação não é sócompensadora em termos de abertura e manutenção de importantes fatias do mercadoexterno, mas, mesmo internamente apresenta vantagens ao nível do controle operacional esatisfação no trabalho entre seus funcionários↓This article searches to identify an analyze the socioambientais impacts of the certification process of fine grapes production within the Grape Integrated Production Program (GIPP) recently implemented in the region of the Sub-medium Valley of the São Francisco River, in the municipality of Petrolina-PE. The methodology adopted was based on a case study; being analyzed the certification process experienced by a medium size company of the region. The obtained results indicate that the certification is not only rewarding in terms of opening and maintenance of important shares of the external market but also, internally, brings benefits to the operational control levels and to the job satisfaction among the employees.
其他摘要:This article searches to identify an analyze the socioambientais impacts of the certification process of fine grapes production within the Grape Integrated Production Program (GIPP) recently implemented in the region of the Sub-medium Valley of the São Francisco River, in the municipality of Petrolina-PE. The methodology adopted was based on a case study; being analyzed the certification process experienced by a medium size company of the region. The obtained results indicate that the certification is not only rewarding in terms of opening and maintenance of important shares of the external market but also, internally, brings benefits to the operational control levels and to the job satisfaction among the employees.