摘要:O setor de varejo no Brasil tem apresentado constantes transformações e mudanças nos últimos anos,acompanhando as tendências econômicas no país e no mundo. O objetivo do estudo é fazer uma análise da implantaçãode uma ferramenta chamada de Portal Financeiro, na área de contas a pagar e receber de uma empresa do varejo, quevisa tornar os processos entre a empresa e seus fornecedores mais rápidos e dinâmicos, a fim de reduzirem custos e obterrespostas mais eficientes em seus mercados. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa em dois momentos diferentes com osfornecedores que utilizam a ferramenta para identificar qual a satisfação deles com as funcionalidades e os benefícios quepassaram a ter com tempo. O software SPSS versão 17 foi utilizado para a realização de análise descritiva e o teste Qui-Quadrado para avaliar possíveis alterações nas respostas dos fornecedores nos dois momentos da pesquisa. No que dizrespeito à dimensão econômico / financeira, a introdução do Portal Financeiro alterou positivamente a relação entre osfornecedores e a empresa pesquisada, além dos processos que eles desempenham para as atividades de contas a pagar ereceber.↓The retail sector in Brazil has experienced constant changes in recent years, following the economic trends in the country and the world. The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of a tool called a Financial Portal, in the area of accounts payable and receivable in a retail company, which aims to make the processes between the company and its suppliers faster and more dynamic in order to reduce costs and more effective responses in their markets. For this, a survey was conducted at two different times with suppliers who use the tool to identify what their satisfaction with the features and benefits that have been given in time. SPSS version 17 was used to perform descriptive analysis and chi-square test to assess possible changes in the responses of suppliers in the two periods of research. Regarding the scale economic / financial, the introduction of the Financial Portal positively affected the relationship between suppliers and the company studied.
其他摘要:The retail sector in Brazil has experienced constant changes in recent years, following the economic trends in the country and the world. The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of a tool called a Financial Portal, in the area of accounts payable and receivable in a retail company, which aims to make the processes between the company and its suppliers faster and more dynamic in order to reduce costs and more effective responses in their markets. For this, a survey was conducted at two different times with suppliers who use the tool to identify what their satisfaction with the features and benefits that have been given in time. SPSS version 17 was used to perform descriptive analysis and chi-square test to assess possible changes in the responses of suppliers in the two periods of research. Regarding the scale economic / financial, the introduction of the Financial Portal positively affected the relationship between suppliers and the company studied.
关键词:Gateway Financial; Retail; Information Technology
其他关键词:Gateway Financial; Retail; Information Technology