标题:The Effect of Group Investigation Learning Model, Accelerated Learning Team and Role Playing on Elementary School Students’ Writing Skills viewed from Cognitive Style
出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This study aims at finding out the differences on the writing skills of students who follow the group learning model Investigation Group, Accelerated Learning Team, and Role Playing, (2) finding out group differences on the writing skills of students who have the dependence field cognitive style and independence filed cognitive style, and (3 ) finding out the use of three types of interaction models of cooperative learning and cognitive styles in influencing writing skills. This study is an experimental study with a 3x2 factorial design. Manipulations were performed on variables of learning models. The experimental group was given special treatment on each cooperative learning model namely Investigative Group, Accelerated Learning Team, and Role Playing. The experimental group consists of students who have dependence and independene cognitive style . The population is the fifth grade students of primary school in Kediri of 2012/2013 batch, while the samples are fifth grade students at 12 elementary schools in the three districts in the Kediri regency, four elementary schools in District Kandat, four elementary schools in the District Ngadiluwih, four elementary schools in District Badas , with the total of 368 students. The data were taken with the two-stage technique of random sampling area. The data were collected by testing the students’ writing skills, while the students’ cognitive style is determined by the type of cognitive style test. The collected data were presented in the form of tables, graphs, and analyzed by two-way analysis of variance.The conclusions of this study reveals that the writing skills of students who follow the group cooperative learning model in the type of investigation group is better than the group of students who are learning in Accelerated Learning Team and Role Playing, while the writing skills of students who follow the group cooperative learning model type and Accelerated Learning Team and role playing are just the same. The writing skills of students who have independence field cognitive style are better than the group of students who have dependence field cognitive style . There was an interaction between the type of cooperative learning and cognitive styles in influencing the writing skills. The interaction was shown to a group of students who have an independence field cognitive style , the use of cooperative learning model type of investigation group is better than the kind of Accelerated Learning Team or any type of Role Playing, whereas Accelerated Learning Team gives the same result as type of Role Playing. In the group of students who have the dependence cognitive style , the three types of cooperative learning was just all good.