期刊名称:Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development
出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This study is a research on influence of economic growth to the manpower absorption and people welfare in regencies / cities in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. This research applies the census data, under the consideration that its population is small and its respective elements are different from each other. Therefore, this research is designed to take the samples or data from the population as a whole (census). Thus, it does not apply a certain technique of sample taking. Population used in this research covers the whole 13 regencies and 1 city available in territory of Central Kalimantan Province, namely the regencies of: Sukamara, Lamandau, Kotawaringin Barat, Seruyan, Katingan, Kotawaringin Timur, Gunung Mas, Pulang Pisau, Murung Raya, Kapuas, Barito Utara, Barito Selatan, Barito Timur, and the city of Palangkaraya. Based on the pooled data in time series (8 years) and cross section (14 regencies/city), there found to be 112 objects of research. Data are processed by using the software of SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Sciences of version 20 with Path Analysis instrument. Output of analysis shows as follows: economic growth has significant influence to the manpower absorption; economic growth has significant influence to the people welfare; and manpower absorption has significant influence to the people welfare.
关键词:economic growth; manpower absorption; and people welfare.