出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:In current era, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become cheaper and affordable for almost every organization. In the meantime, the huge involvement of technologies in the educational environment also creating complex issues for the teachers and administrative supervisors. Making all information and communication resources useable and available need a comprehensive training for the teachers and supervisors as well. As those professionals are the main supporter and guider for upcoming growing generation. From the training and communication perspective in this paper proposed a convenient way of communication by building an Electronic Supervision System Architecture (ESSA). The main purpose behind ESSA is to build an educational collaborative environment between supervisors and teachers which include several kinds of tasks to perform such as; skill development, experience sharing, group meeting & tasks, and discussing about teaching and administrative strategies. On the other side, it will provide the complete and open access to the supervisors to look after the working of their teachers/employees by using ESSA interface. It will also make less effort to communicate with each other which ultimately reduce the workload and will offer the assistance in their tasks by discussing in more efficient manner.