摘要:The main objective of this study is to examine the role of instructors in implementing communicative language teaching methodology in their classroom. In order to achieve this objective seventy second and third year students of English, Amharic and Afan Oromo departments of Madawalabu University were participated. Besides, sixteen instructors of the mentioned departments were also included in the study .Furthermore, the researchers used three instruments namely, questionnaire, interview and classroom observation to collect the required data from the participants. While both open and closed ended questionnaires used with instructors and students to gather the information from participants; whereas interview was done only with instructors. On the top of this, the researchers carried out classroom observation with the help of check list. The result of the study collected through the above three tools revealed that as there are shortage of up to date teaching materials, lack of experience on the part of instructors and problems of using different active learning methods in order to implement CLT methodology effectively and efficiently in their teaching-learning process. Hence, it was recommended that the instructors should use various active learning methods in order to address the learning styles of students. It was also forwarded that the university has to equip the departments with a lot of teaching materials facilities, experience sharing workshops and seminars to assist less experienced instructors to boost their commitment as to apply their maximum effort in the classroom. Key words : communicative, methodology, active learning, student-centred