出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Social Self-efficacy is as a significant contribution to an organization’s long-term success which has emerged as significant antecedents of organization job satisfaction. Privatized organizations are obligated to social self-efficacy as the fundamental philosophy for their development and increase worker job satisfaction. Social Self-efficacy has to be coordinated with work satisfaction in order that accomplish the organization’s mission. The following paper explains the relationship between social self-efficacy and work satisfaction through investigating relevant theories and past studies. The outcomes must lead managers to take into consideration the significant of emphasizing that training social self-efficacy can lead to improve job satisfaction and therefore organization’s prosperity. The present study aims to deepen the role of social self-efficacy on worker’s job satisfaction. Training in social self-efficacy can lead to higher job satisfaction and open the way to further research and have implications for training and talent management.