期刊名称:Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development
出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Micro-finance has received a global recognition today not only as a powerful instrument for poverty reduction and empowerment of women, but also as a promising sector of financing for the banks, financial organizations and NGOs. The Grameen Bank and ASA in Bangladesh have developed a successful model of reaching credit to poor households that are generally bypassed by Government financial institutions. The present study aims to find out the comparison of the microfinance program between the Grameen Bank and ASA in Bangladesh. This research is conducted on the three Upazilas of Comilla District in Bangladesh. We have used survey method to analysis the real scenario of microfinance system of Grameen Bank and ASA from the field level beneficiaries and the officials as well. Secondary data also used in this study. This paper includes the observations, general overview and key indicators of microfinance services in Bangladesh. This paper also shows problems of microfinance and suggests some recommendations for the improvement of micro-finance in Bangladesh.