出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:For some reasons, tourists who experienced visiting a foreign city or country, have an intention to revisit that city or country. This study was aimed to predict intention of Indonesian tourists to revisit Sydney, the most popular destination among other cities in Australia for Indonesians. The authors applied four predictor variables including tour service quality, image destination, perceived value, and tourist satisfaction. Based on literature review, this combination of variables had never been used by existing researchers. An online survey attracted 227 participants who experienced visiting Sydney before, listed in three big tour operators in Jakarta. Data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The findings produced three competing models. The first fitted model retained three of four predictor variables: tour service quality and destination image negatively linked to revisit intention whereas tourist satisfaction positively linked to revisit intention. The second fitted model dropped perceived value. The remaining variables directly linked to revisit intention. Additionally, tourists satisfaction became a mediator variable for tour service quality and destination image to link to revisit intention. All relationships between variables were positively significant, unless between tour service quality and revisit intention, and destination image and revisit intention. The third fitted model applied all predictor variables and all of them had a direct link to revisit intention. Like in the second model, tourist satisfaction became a mediator variable for tour service quality and destination image. In the second model, tourist satisfaction also mediated perceived value to link to revisit intention. Further, like in the first and second fitted model, in the third model, relationships between tour service quality and revisit intention, and destination image and revisit intention were negative. On the other hand, other relationships were positive.
关键词:revisit intention; destination image; tour service quality; perceived value; tourist satisfaction; Indonesia; Sydney; structural equation model