出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This study sought to compare conforming behaviors between extraverted and introverted students at the Galaxy International Junior High School. A sample of 20 (ten introverts and 10 extraverts) were selected through the administration of the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Five confederates were also selected. Subjects took part in a conformity experiment whereby washroom symbols were presented to them. The subjects were asked to identify whether the symbols were female or male after listening to the wrong responses of the confederates. Correlation and Independent t tests were used to analyze the results. The study showed that student introverts conformed more than extraverted students. Introverted females also conformed more than introverted males and a positive relationship was established between the age of subjects and conforming behavior. It was recommended that further studies on cultural influence on conformity among introverts and extraverts be done and larger samples should be used.