出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Job involvement was considered very important in the previous literature for increasing the performance ofthe employees. It is hypothesized that involved employees exert considerable efforts for achieving the goalsand objectives of the organization. These kinds of employees are highly productive and produce betterresults as compare to the employees who are not involved with their job. These employees work for theorganization with their hand, head and heart. Several studies examined the relationship of job involvementwith employee performance and claimed that there is a positive relationship between these two variables. Inthis paper we try to further explain the construct of job involvement and combined the results of differentstudies in this context. This paper also tries to explain the controversies between the results of differentstudies and propose to make more construct valid measure for job involvement. Further we alsoconceptualize the relationship of employee attitude in this connection.
关键词:Job involvement; Employee performance; Attitude; Empowerment; Knowledge; Information