出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Pakistan grows high quality rice including Fine and Course grain varieties, coarse grain varieties are early maturing while fine grain varieties are late maturing. Both fine and coarse grain varieties have Hybrid and Conventional Rice varieties which are high quality rice to fulfill domestic demand and also for exports. The study was design to compare the economic analysis of Hybrid and Conventional Rice production, major objectives of the study were to asses’ financial gain from Hybrid Rice comparing with Conventional Rice and Taluka Golarchi was selected for the present study where both on Hybrid and Conventional Rice varieties are grown, primary data on Hybrid and Conventional Rice was collected from the farmers through personal interviews with the help of specially designed questionnaire. A simple random sampling technique was used to collect the data. Cobb-Douglas production function was used for yield analysis. Total costs per acre of Hybrid Rice were 62010.87 Rs/Acre which were more than Conventional Rice was 56972.09 Rs/Acre. Major differences in hybrid rice production cost are related to higher seed prices, slightly higher land management costs. On an average higher yield (79.41monds per acre) was obtained from Hybrid Rice while Conventional Rice yield (59.74monds per acre) was less then Hybrid Rice. There was 14.14% increase in Hybrid Rice yield comparing with conventional Rice which gives additional income to poor farmers, Price gained per mounds was almost the same in both activities. High profit was observed in Hybrid Rice and low profit was obtained in conventional Rice. Most of the farmers focused to grow Hybrid Rice due to high yield.
关键词:Rice; Economics Analysis; Production and Marketing.