摘要:O presente trabalho trata da otimização da logística de atendimento aos usuários de umarede de distribuição de energia elétrica, aplicada à agência do Portão, localizada emCuritiba, PR, Brasil, de responsabilidade da Companhia Paranaense de Energia Elétrica(COPEL). Através de técnicas da área de Pesquisa Operacional, um modelo Matemático deProgramação Inteira e o algoritmo de Floyd, definiu-se uma metodologia que permitedeterminar de forma otimizada o dimensionamento de equipes de atendimento para areferida agência e o despacho otimizado das mesmas aos locais das ocorrências, visandoum atendimento satisfatório aos usuários, e, além disso, a execução dos serviçosemergenciais, de imediato, e dos comerciais, de acordo com as metas estipuladas pelaAgência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL) juntamente com a COPEL. A metodologiaaqui apresentada é genérica, podendo ser aplicada a qualquer rede (ou parte dela) dedistribuição elétrica, sendo que a mesma apresentou resultados bastante satisfatórios parao caso aqui abordado.↓This paper deals with the optimization for the logistics regarding services demanded byusers of power distribution lines, served by the Portão office, located in Curitiba, PR, Brazil,and operated by COPEL (Paranaense Power Company). Through the use of OperationsResearch techniques, an Integer Programming Mathematical model and Floyd Algorithm, amethod was defined to determine in an optimized way, the number of teams needed by theselected office, as well as, the optimized assignment for the teams to the sites in need, inorder to offer efficient services to the users and, besides that, the immediate execution onemergencies and, as to the other services, accordingly to parameters set by the NationalPower Agency together with COPEL. The methodology hereby presented is generic, so thatit could be applied to any power network (or any of its lines), and it has presented verysatisfactory results to the case in analysis.
其他摘要:This paper deals with the optimization for the logistics regarding services demanded byusers of power distribution lines, served by the Portão office, located in Curitiba, PR, Brazil,and operated by COPEL (Paranaense Power Company). Through the use of OperationsResearch techniques, an Integer Programming Mathematical model and Floyd Algorithm, amethod was defined to determine in an optimized way, the number of teams needed by theselected office, as well as, the optimized assignment for the teams to the sites in need, inorder to offer efficient services to the users and, besides that, the immediate execution onemergencies and, as to the other services, accordingly to parameters set by the NationalPower Agency together with COPEL. The methodology hereby presented is generic, so thatit could be applied to any power network (or any of its lines), and it has presented verysatisfactory results to the case in analysis.
关键词:Engenharia; Pesquisa Operacional; Logística;Dimensionamento e despacho de equipes; Otimização da logística de atendimento; Programação inteira; Algoritmo de Floyd;Number and Assignment of the Teams; Services Logistic Optimization; Integer Programming; Floyd Algorithm
其他关键词:Number and Assignment of the Teams; Services Logistic Optimization; Integer Programming; Floyd Algorithm