出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:The main purpose of the study was to check the relationship between work environment and teachers’ job satisfaction in private business universities of Karachi, Pakistan. The factors that include in work environment are freedom of teachers, involvement of teachers, management policies, co-workers’ relationships and employer – employee relationships used as independent variables and teachers’ job satisfaction used as a dependent variable. The structured 5 points likert scale questionnaire was used to collect the data from 105 private business universities’ teachers from Pakistan. The data was analyzed through SPSS 17 by using statistical tools such as descriptive statistical, Pearson correlation and simple linear regression. The results indicate that there is a positive relationship between all factors of work environment and job satisfaction in teachers. Research also found that the employer – employee relationships is most important factor of work environment in private business universities of Pakistan. It is suggested that the universities’ management should focus on favorable work environment particularly the factor of relationship between employer and employee to increase the job satisfaction amongst teachers, which may lead to higher performance. As research only was conducted with teachers of private business universities of Pakistan, it cannot be generalized to all sectors of country. Variables and sample size should be increased in the future research to get the better results.
关键词:Work Environment; Job satisfaction; Teacher; Education Sector; Private Universities Area of Research Human Resource Management; Education