标题:The Impact of Integrated Marketing Communication on Corporate Image and Its Implication to Customers Loyalty – Case Analysis at Islamic Bank in Indonesia
出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This study was conducted to determine the influence of integrated marketing communications to the corporate image and its implications for customer loyalty in Islamic banks in Indonesia. For pilot project this study conducted in Bandung city and using Quantitative research design. This study is a pre-test to know the perception of respondents towards their loyalty to Islamic banking. this study were obtained by distributing survey questionnaire to a sample of 40 Owner Business Enterprise in Bandung. Study assigned with purposive sampling which is particuar individuals are chossen with the characteristic relevant to the study who are thought will be most informative. The participant chosen based on time horison using Musharaka and Mudharaba services, business owner with the medium scale enterprise. The data collected by using Questionaire. Data analysis has been used Partial Least Square. Based on empirical evidence, The performance of integrated marketing communications give 26.7% influence on the image of the company. Then the image of the company amounted to 22.6% impact on customer loyalty. While the indirect effect between the performance of integrated marketing communications and customer loyalty Islamic banks amounted to 24.6%.