出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Psychological contract breach has achieved the attention of both academics and practitioners in recent few years. This study addresses the question to what extent does psychological contract breach Impact on employee turnover intention and job satisfaction. The objectives of the study were to find that Psychological contract breaches have impact on turn intention and job satisfaction. The research was conducted in the Private Sector school of the Peshawar district.380 questionnaire were distributed among the male and female teacher working in private school of district Peshawar non probability convinces sampling technique was used for data collection. 276 questionnaires were return which is 72 % of the sample. The ist hypothesis of the study was that there is significant relation between psychological contract breaches and turnover intention and the second hypothesis of the study is that there is insignificant relation between psychological contract breaches turnover Intention. The ist hypothesis was rejected and the second was accepted and the result shows that there is insignificant association between psychological contract Breaches and turn over intention. Which mean that psychological contract breaches have significant impact on job Satisfaction. The study is quantitative in nature and the data collected and analyzed through SPSS.