期刊名称:Boletim Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos
出版社:Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos
摘要:Ingestão diária potencial (IOP) de 334 consumidores de produtos dietéticos foram calculadas e comparadas com os limites toxicológicos recomendados pelo JECFA. A contribuição dos diversos produtos dietéticos quanto a ingestão média, mediana e máxima de edulcorantes foram comparados entre a população geral, diabéticos e grupo controle de peso, para os consumidores de Curitiba. A IDP para os edulcorantes aspartame, ciclamato e sacarina, representaram respectivamente, 3,04, 15,0 e 14,36% dos valores de Ingestão Diária Aceitável (IDA) para a população estudada; 2,78, 16,55 e 18,2% para os diabéticos e 3,23, 11,0 e 12,4% para o grupo controle de peso.
其他摘要:In this study the potencial daily intakes of sweetner was carried out in Curitiba in the winter of 1990 and summer of 1991 and compared with Acceptable Daily lntakes (ADl) recommended by JECFA. Data on the intake of the sweetnere aspartame, cyclamate and saccharin were generated based on a representative sample of 334 consumers of diet products. The total daily intakes was calculated for each sweetner by combining each person's cosumption of diet food and carbonated drink with the sweetner content of each product, as determined analytically. Mean, median, maximum intakes of intense sweetners 'from different products were compared between general population, weight-control and diabetic groups. The median daily intake of the aspartame, cyclamate and saccharin, represent respectively, 3,04, 15 and 14,36% of the ADl for the general population; 2,78, 16,55 and 18,2% for the diabetic group and 3,23, 11 e 12,4% for the weight-control group.