出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:The disposal of solid waste in sanitary landfills is now increasingly gaining acceptance in many nations of the world. This is because of air, water, soil and other environmental pollution effects commonly associated with other methods of waste disposal. This study investigates the geologic and geotechnical characteristics of a selected functional open landfill with a view of converting to a modern sanitary landfill. Required parameters for soils to be considered usable in such containment facility were evaluated. Results show that the site is locally underlain by unfractured migmatite which is fresh and competent enough to provide sufficient supports for modern sanitary landfill. Geotechnically, lateritic soil samples over the site have largest grain size of 10mm, average clay portion of 33%, sand of 51% and gravel size of 3.75%. The samples have low to medium plasticity and clay activity of 0.39. The average Maximum Dry Density and coefficient of permeability are 1.80g/cm 3 and 1x 10 -8 m/s at lighter energy of compaction. This study shows that conversion of the exiting open landfill to modern one is possible since all geologic and geotechnical criteria are suitably present.