出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:There is almost unanimity that job satisfaction is a key to efficiency and productivity of workers in almost all professions interalia many factors. Participation in decision making and role conflict are the main ingredients of job satisfaction in creative professions like teaching at postgraduate level. This paper intends to identify the impact of these two factors on job satisfaction of lecturers in Gomal University DIKhan. Population of the study consists of the entire faculty member in Grade BPS 18 i.e. Lecturer on contract as well as regular basis. Because of shortage of time availability only 35 were selected .and data was analyzed through statistical packages. The main variables of the study are job satisfaction, role of the conflict among participant and decision making process. Publicly employed people have no or less discretionary power in managing their work however, in Gomal University, the level of participation of teachers (lecturers) in decision making was found high and they are satisfied, majority of the respondents were of the view that they have conflict in performing their roles on the job therefore, their level of satisfaction is suffering. Key Words ; Job Satisfaction, Conflict, Lecturers, Gomal University,