摘要:Purpose of this study was to explore the differences in perceived social support and psychological well-being among aged Kashmiri migrants residing in camps and non-camps in Jammu. It also studied if there was any significant relationship between perceived social support and psychological well-being. Sample comprised of 280 Kashmiri migrants of 60-79 years of age (140 from camps and 140 from non-camps). Simple random sampling technique was employed for data collection. Social Support Inventory for Elderly and Psychological Well-being Scale were used to assess perceived social support and psychological well-being of the respondents respectively. Median value for perceived social support score was calculated and high and low groups were formed. The differences in the obtained data were analyzed using t test and the relationship was analyzed using Pearson's correlation. Significant difference emerged in perceived social support and psychological well-being of the aged migrants residing in camp and non-camp. Significant differences were revealed for high and low perceived social support on psychological well-being. Perceived social support was significantly related with psychological well-being. The ways in which social support is understood and perceived is important in ascertaining the role it may play in aged individual's psychological well-being.
关键词:perceived social support; psychological well-being; aged; migrants