出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This research was conducted to examine the effect of co-curricular activities on academic achievements of secondary school students in District Abbottabad. The research is experimental in nature, pre-test Post's test equivalent group design was selected for this purpose. In this study, an achievement test covering four chapters of mathematics and four lessons of English was used as measuring instrument. Depending upon pre-test scores, 200 students of 10th class were divided into two equal groups (n=100) named as experimental group and control group. The experimental group was involved in co-curricular activities and the control group did not participate in any activity beyond the classroom. There were two types of co-curricular activities. First physical i.e., games, athletics and P.T (physical training) etc and the other was debates, drama speeches etc. The experimental group carried out activities for forty minutes daily for twelve weeks. The post-test was administered after twelve weeks. The pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental and control groups served as data for this study. The analysis of data revealed that on the whole, experimental groups showed better performance than controlled group. Hence the ultimate results of the study indicated that co-curricular activities can contribute for enhancing academic achievements of the secondary school students.