出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Purpose: Gujarat and Odisha are two different provinces in the Indian sub-continent under South-Asiatic region. Gujarat, with less mineral resources, tribal population, moderate poverty developed much economically due to installation of industries, particularly, small scale sector. On the other hand, Odisha, in spite of its vast natural resources like minerals, forests, rivers, population, flora and fauna, long coast line, natural harbors and surplus electricity has all characteristics of poverty. These phenomena led to an approach. Approach: Both the states have similarities in many cases, yet Odisha perish in poverty. Small Scale Industries (SSIs) flourish in Gujarat but become sick in Odisha. Causes to these aspects draw serious attention of the people of Odisha. A study was initiated in this regard to find out the draw backs of poor performance of the state in SSIs sector. Findings : The study revealed that a careful implementation of strategic programmes with judicious use of own social and financial resources in the factory premises and outside the state made Gujarat SSEs more advantageous for high economic growth which was not observed in case of Odisha SSEs. Future Implication: The prosperity of Gujarat SSIs have been described through five major elements of strategy eg. Arena, vehicle, differentiators, staging and economic logic. Strategic programme-activities of Gujarat and Odisha have been compared, differences brought out for the Odisha entrepreneurs to consider and follow for high growth of the SSEs in the state. Key Words : Arena, vehicle, differentiators, staging, economic logic, entrepreneurs, strategy and implementation.