出版社:Norsk forening for epidemiologi - The Norwegian Epidemiological Association
摘要:SAMMENDRAGInfeksjon i det intrauterine miljø kan være en viktig årsak til premature rier. Intrauterine infeksjonerunderdiagnostiseres med dagens metoder. Ny kunnskap om molekylære mekanismer gir nye diagnostiskemuligheter og kan åpne for alternative behandlingsformer.Arntzen KJ, Kjøllesdal AM, Vatten L, Austgulen R. Infection and premature birth.Nor J Epidemiol ENGLISH SUMMARYPrematurity is the cause of a substantial proportion of perinatal morbidity and mortality. It has becomeclear that intrauterine infection is an important underlying cause of premature labour. Unfortunately, ourability to diagnose these infections at an early stage is not well developed, and the effectiveness of availabletherapeutic agents is low. Premature labour caused by infection involves the activation of a networkof inflammatory cytokines and the production of intrauterine prostaglandins. In this paper, we haveattempted to describe recent developments in this area that are relevant to prematurity, and we also discusswhether this knowledge may provide possibilities for therapeutic intervention.1997; 7 (1): 79-84.