出版社:Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
摘要:In order to study the degree of contribution of acquired muscle strength to the successful performance of the gymnastic "belly grind", some experimental programs for increasing the muscle strength were planned against the junior high school boys and girls who were in experienced and unsuccessful in that exercise even on low bar. Results were obtained as follows: 1) All of those who have took training of muscles which are especially needed for pulling by the upper limbs and elevation of the lower limbs have come to succeed in "belly grind". 2) The process of mastering it a was recorded simultaneously by means of elctro-myograph and cinematograph. The pattern of E.M.G.before success was rather similar to that after success, except of trapezius and brachial triceps. 3) It is assumed that the minimal muscle strength responsible for "belly grind" exists, while skill is also an important factor.