出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This article attempts to analyze, mainly drawing on the Parliamentary Debates, the political positions adopted by some anti-liberal deputies in the Cortes of Cadiz. This representative chamber (which was the leading organ of political power in the Spanish lands not controlled by the Bonapartist regime) was set up as a discussion and decision-making space,which entailed a rupture with conceptions of politics prevailing during the Ancien Régime, including Absolutism. The more conservative and reactionary groups used several mechanisms and ways (the propaganda machine, army, pulpit, municipal posts, diplomacy and Parliamentary elections, among others) to put an end to that new place. Despite of its impact on the making and development of Society and State in Contemporary Spain, historians have paid little attention to the genesis and social bases of the Counter-Revolution. A small number of studies are focused on the origins of this historical movement, as well as on the various ideas and political attitudes of the deputies opposed to the constitutional regime of 1812. These gaps in knowledge have motivated the present pages. Our aim is to offer a first approach to the question.
关键词:Cortes of Cadiz;Counter-Revolution;Anti-liberal deputies;Peninsular War;Cortes de Cádiz;Contrarrevolución;Diputados antiliberales;Guerra de la Independencia española