期刊名称:Revista Innovar Journal Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales
出版社:Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá
摘要:Implementation of Information Technologies (it) at corporate level raises concerns about the effect of such investment. Generally, concerns are linked to the associated costs of it initiatives and not to the benefits of their adoption. From a systematic review of the literature, different models of benefits from it in organizations are analyzed in order to propose a multidimensional structure for the identification and classification of the benefits generated by the use of these technologies. This proposed structure consists of 15 benefits grouped into four organizational dimensions: 1) informational, 2) transactional, 3) transformational and 4) strategic. This referential framework allows envisioning and assessing the contributions of it initiatives in the generation of value for organizations.
关键词:Benefits of Information Technologies;Information Technologies;value of Information Technologies;tecnologías de la información;beneficios de las tecnologías de la información;valor de las tecnologías de la información