摘要:Anomalies of the venous system encompass a wide spectrum of alterations and variable prognosis. The persistent right umbilical vein is an uncommon finding that reflects an abnormal embryological vascular development. Diagnosis is possible because it can be performed during the routine prenatal ultrasound. The association with chromosotopathies is rare, especially in isolated cases. The prognosis is generally good if it is not associated with other malformations. In its intrahepatic variant, it has no pathological consequences but is associated with a higher rate of prematurity. The extrahepatic variant is less frequent and is usually accompanied by other morphological abnormalities and is associated with a poor neonatal prognosis. We present a case of a fetus with diagnosis of persistent extrahepatic right umbilical vein. In the ultrasound morphologic evaluation at 38 weeks' gestation, in which the umbilical cord had four vessels, the persistent right umbilical vein had an anomalous, anterior and completely extrahepatic pathway that flowed directly into the right atrium, near of inferior vena cava and suprahepatic veins. Tetracameral cardiomegaly and venous duct agenesis were also observed. Newborn had signs of congestive heart failure, dying within two days.
关键词:Persistent extra-hepatic right umbilical vein;Prenatal;Fetal venous system drainage;Ultrasound;Vena umbilical derecha extrahepática persistente;Prenatal;Drenaje del sistema venoso fetal;Ultrasonido