期刊名称:International Journal of Energy and Environment
出版社:International Energy and Environment Foundation (IEEF)
摘要:This work covered the experimental program to obtain the mechanical properties of the ankle Foot Ortheses (AFO) composite materials by using tensile, flexural and fatigue tests. They are composed of number of layers (12 layers) perlon with two lyers of carbon-fiber and (10 layers) without carbon fiber. Also, the Ground Reaction Force (GRF), Center of Pressure (COP) and pressure distribution were determined experimentally for patients (first is about (42)year old with height (173cm) and weight(82kg) and the second about (10) years old with height (130cm) and weight (23 kg)) with and without AFO. The results showed that the ultimate stress for perlon 31 MPa, for perlon with carbon fiber of matrix (80:20) 36MPa and perlon with carbon fiber of matrix C-orthocryl 55 MPa. The Fatigue life equation for perlon is 33.64(Nf)-0.30 and for perlon with carbon fiber 60.98(Nf)-0.33. The fatigue limit for perlon is 16MPa and for perlon with carbon fiber 28MPa. The GRF data were measured by using force plate and the pressure distribution are obtained by using F-socket. The gait velocity without AFO equal to 0.43m/sec and with lamination AFO equal to 0.607 m/sec for patient 1 and gait velocity without AFO equal to 0.697m/sec and with lamination AFO equal to 0.837m/sec. The gait cycle time for patients without AFO equals to 42.6% but when wearingAFO equals to 97%.The interface pressure between leg and AFO is measured for AFO surface area by using F- socket sensor reaches 72 MPa and may reach more than this value at the moment of toe off due to the foot drop. The numerical results were obtained by employing the finite element method using ANSYS 15 package using the measured pressure loading and investigating many models to calculate the Von Mises stress and the fatigue safety factor.The fatigue safety factor was found for composite materials AFO with carbon fiber (3.0321), without carbon fiber (1.7578) .