标题:Effects of different mature composts made from sewage sludge and organic substrates on the morphological and physiological properties of two wheat varieties
期刊名称:Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
出版社:University of Mohammed Premier Oujda
摘要:This paper describes the effects of different mature composts on the growth of wheat. Composts are based on sewage sludge of wastewater alone and mixed with organic substrates (sawdust, straw and manure). The study was conducted to confirm the absence of a possible toxicity of applied composts and reveal their beneficial effects on the cultures of two wheat varieties. Wheat cultivation trials were performed in greenhouse on sandy soil in the absence and presence of composts. Results were then subjected to statistical analysis. This study highlights the fertilizer value of compost. No depressing effect on crops was observed. The evolution of morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters of the plant is proportional to the dose applied. It was found that mature composts provide nutrients essential for plant development and act as organic amendments improving the most physicochemical characteristics of soil.