期刊名称:International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
摘要:The effectiveness and attractiveness of online learning have proved by many researcher. The flexibility and convenience are typical benefits of online learning. With these benefits of online learning, a great deal of learning occurs in the online setting. Nowadays, universities have been offering many online classes. Particularly, universities are asking professors to re-design existing face-to-face courses into online courses to meet students’ growing demands for online course. However, several challenges of online learning also have identified. The lower interactions between a teacher and a student, and a student and a student than face-to-face learning is one of the challenges. Additionally, several research found that teaching and assessment techniques and method that served well in the traditional classroom don’t work quite well in online course. In online learning, a lot of features related to teaching and learning have changed. With these challenges, professors who have taught face-to-face course are having difficulty converting existing face-to-face course into online course. Thus, it is important to investigate how to design an effective online course to support professors’ online course design. In this study, we analyzed the design process of converting face-to-face course to online course. We collected three converting cases and analyzed those cases with activity system analysis method. As a result, we found design challenges related to converting existing course to online course and professors’ and university’s practical difficulties in online course development. This result of this study will help professors, instructional designers, and universities to design and develop successful online course.
关键词:Online Learning; Converting Course; Instructional Design; Activity System Analysis