Currently the income of the inhabitants of the Community La Caballería, San Lorenzo Department of San Marcos Guatemala depends on agriculture and domestic work, and this income is not sufficient to meet all the needs of the residents. For that reason, the objective of this project was to determine the feasibility of using biogas produced in a biodigester as an alternative energy, thereby reducing the amount of money spent for fuel wood and gas. In order to establish the type of biodigester that could be used, surveys were conducted to determine demographic information as well what type of farm, use of animals and land, the families have. With this diagnostic for the implementation of alternative energy in the community, a biodigester design was developed, appropriate to the resources that are available as raw material for its operation. It was determined that, with the animal manure and kitchen organic wastes generated, a family could install a digester 6 m long, for 312 kg total biomass, with biogas production capacity for 6 h/d of cooking. The implementation of the biodigesters helps to reduce the negative impact to the environment by minimizing deforestation for fuel wood as well as to reduce the amount of smoke that accumulates in the homes due to inadequate chimneys.