The objective of this study was to determine the NO3-N potential of mineralization of compost produced from pineapple aerial biomass, through an incubation study by mixing soil with different doses of compost (0, 5, 10 and 20) Mg/ha. The mixtures were stored at room temperature and were destructively sampled for 20 weeks. Compost finished used had a low C:N (8.6:1) and an N content of 2.83 %. The cumulative mineralization of NO3-N at the end of the period was 77.5 mg/kg for soil, up to 105.8 mg/kg for the treatment soil + 20 Mg/ha of compost. The exponential model with intercept was successfully fit to the results with the coefficient of determination of the fit model high (R2≥0.90) for all treatments. The results clearly indicate that the pineapple compost has a greater potential for mineralization of NO3-N as compared to other organic fertilizers produced at EARTH University.