期刊名称:Liminalities : a Journal of Performance Studies
摘要:ABSTRACT: A case of dystocia due to fetal mal-posture in Chinkara was presented to the clinics of department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, college of Veterinary and Animal Science, Bikaner. Fawn was in anterior presentation with carpal flexion of both forelimbs and lateral deviation of head and neck. Carpal flexion was corrected by extending carpal and metacarpal joints carefully by protecting hooves into the palm. Deviation of the head of fetus was corrected and then fetus was delivered by application of gentle traction over the forelegs and head. Animal was administered fluid and supportive therapy. Animal expelled placenta after 2 hrs and regained alertness. KEY WORDS: Dystocia, Chinkara, Fetal mal-posture.