摘要:Although reinforced concrete shear wall structures are widely used in high-rise buildings, the methods used to analyze the seismic response of such a structure during an earthquake generally have low calculation efficiencies. In this article, the transfer matrix method of multibody systems is first established as a mechanical model of a regular reinforced concrete shear wall structure with both bifurcated and closed transfer paths to analyze the seismic responses of structures. By separating the shear wall legs, establishing a state vector relationship between the two endpoints of the coupling beams, and combining all state vectors of the inputs or outputs of each shear wall leg, the total transfer between shear wall legs is realized, and the overall transfer equation and overall transfer matrix of a shear wall structure are obtained. Applying the transfer matrix method of multibody systems, a 15-story shear wall structure is used as an engineering example to analyze seismic responses for frequent and rare earthquakes using MATLAB software. The findings show that the transfer matrix method of multibody systems provides similar results to ANSYS but that the transfer matrix method of multibody systems greatly increases calculation efficiency while maintaining accuracy.