摘要:Background: Alopecia areata (AA) is a noncicatricial (nonscarring) alopecia. The associationbetween AA and celiac disease (CD) is debatable. Several studies declare the relationshipbetween AA and CD as measurement of celiac autoantibodies (anti?gliadin IgA and anti?gliadinIgG), but a few studies consider anti?tissue transglutaminase IgA. The aim of this study wasto evaluate the frequency distribution of celiac autoantibodies (all of them) in patients with AAcompared with controls. Methods: This study is a case–control study. Thirty?five patients entered in each group. Anti?gliadinIgA, anti?gliadin IgG, and anti?tissue transglutaminase IgA were tested in all patients. Sampleswere examined in ELISA method with binding site’s kits, and the result was reported as positive/negative. Finally, the frequency distribution of autoantibodies was examined. Results: The age average did not show a significant difference between two groups (P=0.62). Inaddition, there was no significant difference between the two groups based on gender (P=0.15). The prevalence of antibody in case and control groups was 2.85% and 0%, respectively. Therewas no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.31). Conclusions: There may be a relationship between CD and AA, but the absence of statisticalassociation between AA and CD does not mean that there is no relationship between gluten andAA in certain patients. Thus, we have shown here that the biological tests to search for CD do notbring information and proof enough, and it is why we recommend another approach to disclosegluten intolerance in AA patients.