出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The paper studies the relationship of Azorin with medicine from a different approach which often takes the critical who interpreted the presence of the disease in his work as a metaphor for the crisis of the crisis of the end of the century. Our work examines scientific and real terms, as the suffering experienced by the author himself, who projected his pathology to fictional characters, we investigated, in addition to exposing the characteristics of disease and its therapeutic and his interest in all kinds of medical literature, ancient and recent. In summary, the article reviews the illness and doctors as a constant in Martínez Ruiz’s literature, resulting in newspaper articles («Medicine», «The Doctor»), youth and maturity novels ( Diary of a sick , 1901, The sick , 1943) or essays ( Doctors , 1966).
关键词:Disease;Medicine and Literature;Melancholy;Novel;Azorín;enfermedad;medicina y literatura;melancolía;novela;Azorín