摘要:We report preliminary investigation of several molten salt electrolytes containing CdCl2 and TeCl4 for the electrodeposition of CdTe films at temperatures well above (>250 °C) those used with aqueous and organic electrolytes. These high temperatures have potential todramatically increase the crystallite size (Poole, Engelken, et al., 1994), as is important for optoelectronic device applications of CdTe, a leading II-VIsemiconductor. This paper willsurvey the results obtained withelectrolytes such as B2O,/HBO2 (m.p. - 230'C), NaCH3COO (m.p. » 324°C), ZnCl2 (m.p. - 283*C), and LiCl/KCl (m.p. * 350 °C), with an emphasis on the latter two. Key material to be presented includes 1) voltammetric data for the solutions, 2) x-ray diffractometry data for deposited films, 3) a discussion of the numerous practical problems associated withhigh temperature electrochemistry, especially incorrosive, volatile systems, and 4) emphasis of the value of an operationally feasible high temperature plating system to the commercial viabilityof electrodeposited semiconductor films.