摘要:The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the roadmap that helps educators and families drive the education of students with disabilities, improve outcomes, and fulfill each child’s potential. However, the IEP can be challenging due to the large number and diversity of stakeholders, dynamics and culture of collaboration, and the complex procedures guiding the referral, evaluation, and placement. This study describes changes in attitudes toward the IEP reported by special educators and parents participating in a statewide six-month collaborative training model. Pre- and post-test data analysis indicates an interaction effect on overall attitude toward the IEP, with parents’ ratings of the value of the IEP decreasing at the end of the training and teachers’ ratings increasing. Moreover, special educators’ significantly higher ratings of the value of team planning for the IEP indicate enduring pre- and post-intervention differences. These findings have implications for school districts and agencies providing professional development to improve collaboration in IEPs.