标题:Denticulados y muescas: ¿para qué sirven? Estudio funcional de una muestra musteriense en cuarzo del Abrigo de Navalmaíllo (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid, España)
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Denticulates and notches are two of the most ubiquitous types in Mousterian industries. The increased interest on their study suggests these tools are more complex than expected. New typometric studies indicate that they are not as standardized as they appear. Moreover, new use-wear research indicates that denticulates versatile, not specialized, in function. In this paper, we present the results of a use-wear analysis of a Mousterian sample of denticulates and notches coming from the Navalmaíllo rock shelter (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid, Spain). Use-wear on quartz is peculiar due to the special features of the raw material, but the wear marks are usually better preserved than those formed on better materials like flint. Our results confirm the versatility of denticulates in working on different tasks related to butchering and wood working.
关键词:Denticulate;Mousterian;Quartz;Neanderthal;Use-wear;Iberian Peninsula;Denticulado;Musteriense;Cuarzo;Neandertal;Huellas de uso;península ibérica