期刊名称:International Journal of Ad hoc, sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) where the node conne
ctivity is opportunistic and end-to-end path betwee
any pair of source and destination is not guarantee
d most of the time. Hence the messages are transfer
from source to destination via intermediate nodes o
n hop to hop basis using store-carry-forward paradi
Due to quick advancement in hand held devices such
as smart phone and laptop with support of wireless
communication interface carried by human being, it
is possible in coming days to use DTNs for message
dissemination without setting up infrastructure. Th
e routing task becomes challenging in DTNs due to
intermittent network connectivity and the connectio
n opportunity arises only when node comes in
transmission range of each other. The performance o
f the routing protocols depend on the selection of
appropriate relay node which can deliver the messag
e to final destination in case of source and destin
do not meet at all. Many social characteristics are
exhibited by the human being like friendship,
community, similarity and centrality which can be e
xploited by the routing protocol in order to take t
forwarding decisions. Literature shows that by usin
g these characteristics, the performance of DTN rou
protocols have been improved in terms of delivery p
robability. The existing routing schemes used
community detection using aggregated contact durati
on and contact frequency which does not change over
the time period. We propose community detection thr
ough Inter Contact Time (ICT) between node pair
using power law distribution where the members of c
ommunity are added and removed dynamically. We
also considered single copy of each message in enti
re network to reduce the network overhead. The
proposed routing protocol named Social Based Single
Copy Routing (SBSCR) selects the suitable relay
node from the community members only based on the s
ocial metrics such as similarity and friendship
together. ICTs show power law nature in human mobil
ity which is used to detect the community structure
each node. A node maintains its own community and s
ocial metrics such as similarity and friendship wit
other nodes. Whenever node has to select the relay
node then it selects from its community with higher
value of social metric. The simulations are conduct
ed using ONE simulator on the real traces of campus
and conference environments. SBSCR is compared with
existing schemes and results show that it
outperforms in terms of delivery probability and de
livery delay with comparable overhead ratio.
关键词:Delay tolerant networks; single copy routing scheme
; social based routing