期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA)
出版社:Science and Information Society (SAI)
摘要:With the generation of massive amount of product-centric responses from existing applications on collaborative platform, it is necessary to perform a discrete analytical operation on it. As majority of such responses are textual in nature, it increases the applicability of using text mining approaches on it. We review the existing research contribution in text mining to find that there are significant research gap. Therefore, the proposed study presents a technique called as RKE-CP i.e. Response-based Knowledge Extraction from Collaborative Platform where the term Collaborative points towards cloud environment. The proposed technique is designed using mathematical modelling where the maximum focus of design and implementation lies on accomplishing a good balance between faster response time in mining operation and higher precision/recall rate. The study outcome possess’ better precision score, recall, and lowered processing time as compared with the most relevant work text mining.
关键词:Text Mining; Collaborative Platform; Probability Theory; Heterogeneous Domain; Precision /Recall