摘要:This is an empirical-analytic correlational research whose intent is to find the relationship between levels of self-esteem and hopelessness in adolescents in an educational institution of Quindío-Colombia. The Beck Hopelessness Scale and the Self-Esteem Scale Rosenberg were applied. It was found that the risk of suicide or grade of hopelessness “none or minimal” is 59.4%, “mild” 26.8%, “moderate” 12.9% and “high” 0.9%. The type of suicide risk is minimal in women 33.5% and high 0.9 %, while in the men is minimal 29.5 %, mild 17 %, and moderate 7.1%. Expressing as conclusion that hopelessness is increase for motivational and cognitive factors that shape suicidal ideation and raise the risk of suicide. Low self-esteem is not a consistent factor in suicidal ideation.