出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This study aimed to explore a valid and realiable way to raise the level of multiculturalism awareness of teachers. 61 (37 female, 24 male) trainee teachers from seven regions of Turkey attended the study. Mixed method (Onegroup pretestposttest design and content analysis) was employed to have better results. The results are; (1) the multiculturalism perceptions of trainee teacher were high before the experimental application, (2) the multiculturalism level of perception did not change based on gender, age, region of birth and graduation type, (3) the experimental application made statistically meaningful difference in favor of post tests, (4) the perception level of trainee teachers did not change based on gender, age, region of birth and graduation type after the experimental application (5) the qualitative results of the study support the findings of quantitative results. It is expected to provide a useful perspective to decision/policy makers with this study. Keywords: Media, Multicultural teacher education, Teacher beliefs, Curriculum, Learning environment